Septic Inspection Services in Dayton & Columbus, OH
Septic systems treat and disperse small amounts of wastewater by settling out solids from the wastewater.
Common questions and answers for Septic Inspections:
1. What does a septic inspection with AHI entail?
Allen Home Inspections provides a partial (visual only) inspection to determine water levels, pump maintenance and signs of leakage and/or odors.
2. Who performs the septic inspection?
AHI will perform the septic inspection.
3. What is the benefit of a septic inspection?
Replacing a septic tank and/or drain field can be very costly. Having a visual inspection may help to eliminate some of those costs.
4. When will I receive the results of the septic inspection?
The results are given at the time of inspection.
5. Does my lender require a septic inspection before purchasing the home?
The answer to this is dependent on the type of loan you acquire. For example, a conventional loan may not have septic inspection requirements compared to a VA or FHA loan.
Check with your lender for loan requirements.
6. How often are septic issues found?
The answer varies based on the homeowner’s efforts to maintain the system, as well as the age of the system.